Summary: A skeptic crime branch Inspector Rishi Nandhan, assisted by two sub-inspectors Ayyanar and Chitra, investigates a series of bizarre murders in a small mountain village, supposedly committed ... Read all
Countries: IndiaLanguages: Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi
A skeptic crime branch Inspector Rishi Nandhan, assisted by two sub-inspectors Ayyanar and Chitra, investigates a series of bizarre murders in a small mountain village, supposedly committed by a deadly forest spirit called the Vanaratchi.
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** Amazon Prime Series * (हिन्दी) **
Season 1 Hindi 480p AMZN WEB-DL x264 [120MB/E]
Season 1 {Hindi + Multi Audio} 720p AMZN WEB-DL x264 [350MB/E]
Season 1 {Hindi + Multi Audio} 1080p AMZN WEB-DL x264 [800MB/E]
Winding Up
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